Payment The primary account holder is primarily responsible for payment of the One Simple Bill, and if pre-authorized payment is the chosen. View your statements and payments. Perhaps try responding to the letter explaining the situation and they can relay it to 407. 50 USD (or $4. and will reopen tomorrow at 8:30 a. Email: Remember email . com directly and look for the latest information on the homepage. January 17, 2020 ·. View your account. 16047 upvotes. 407 Etr Concession Co - Woodbridge - phone number, website, address & opening hours - ON - Electronic & Electric Wire. Once you receive the email please follow the instructions to activate your My Account. Password: Show. 407 ETR now offers enhanced online services to help you manage your account. m. Manage multiple billing accounts all in one place. The filing fee of $30. If you have received a 407 bill, you should pay it right away. Pay your bills, set up pre-authorized payments, update your details, get access to exclusive offers and more. Please attach your proof of payment. We wound up on the 407 accidentally because that's where Waze took us, once in the middle. Leasing a transponder for $24. Transponder Lease Payment Option. Start of Content My Account Log In. Check your account balance. If the customer's order is within 14 days of purchase on 407etr. Forgot password? Log In. 20 on camera charges each time you travel and $3. Email: Remember email . $3. If you have not yet driven on 407 ETR, you may create an account by ordering a transponder. Without. Create My Account. 00: Payment Method. A Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis (CANCEA) report released in 2019 found that 407 ETR saved businesses almost 7. Billing Info For The 407 ETR. 8:30 a. If you would like to make a payment right now, simply log in. g18 wrote: ↑ Received an automated message from 407 ETR. Call Centre Hours. Back to FAQ. Our responsibility under this lease is limited to replacing a defective, lost or stolen transponder. L4H 1J1. m. In order to create a My Account, you must have an account number. The 407 bill is issued by 407 ETR, a company that operates the 407 highway. Online: Select the “Pay Now” button on your account page to pay your Sears Credit Card bill. Class of vehicle – Light, Heavy Single Unit, Heavy Multiple Unit. It is the northern terminus of I-75. Check your balance; Make a payment;Financial institution – You can make a payment through your financial institution (online, phone or in-person at your bank) using your 407 ETR account number. To ensure a seamless experience for users of both highways, 407 ETR, provides tolling and customer services on the province’s behalf for Highway 407. Create My Account. Woodbridge, ON. With a Transponder. The 407 bill is the toll amount that you need to pay based on your trip. and 7:00 p. Kevin Sack [[email protected] per Trip. Check your balance; Make a payment;407 ETR Light Vehicle Rate Chart. You may pay your 407 ETR paperless bill using the methods described in the payments section of 407 ETR may change, condition, limit, or restrict available methods of payment at any time without prior notice to you. 50. All of your tolls are reflected on one bill from 407 ETR and revenue for the provincially-operated toll highways is passed back to the Government of Ontario. My Account is your one-stop destination for easy account management. To enjoy the best discount you can, apply the 407 ETR promo code before you pay your cart at 407etr. FAQ; Highway map; Understanding tolls; Visit on407. Nous traiterons votre demande dans les meilleurs délais, à condition que : Aucun compte n'a de solde en souffrance. You are responsible to reimburse the rental car company for any such charges. It also shows the cheapest, fastest and other optimal routes to your destination along with toll plaza(s) location en. ca; After you drive. Online Banking. com. Before you drive. Ignace on the north with the village of Mackinaw City on the south. Out-of-country plates on bill-by-plate toll road. The bill includes toll charges, trip toll charges, camera charges, and an account fee for a total of $23. Our Call Centre will be closed today at 2:45 p. ca; After you drive. Dear Mrs. $3. To open an anonymous account, you must visit 407 ETR's Head Office. Pay your bills, set up pre-authorized payments, update your details, get access to exclusive offers and more. Create My Account. Please note, you are responsible for the transponder and all charges associated with it until we receive it. Calculate routes, tolls and fuel costs for your travel by car, truck, taxi, bus, caravans (with or without a trailer) in Canada and other North American countries using TollGuru Trip Calculator. WAYS YOU CAN PAY YOUR BILL SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS (IF DIFFERENT THAN SECTION 1) February. $12. 「407ETR」から封筒が来たら、それは高速道路利用料の請求書. Create My Account. Please see below the pre-conditions for requesting charge adjustments: Only the Camera Charge portion of a trip. Check your balance; Make a payment;Pay your bills, set up pre-authorized payments, update your details, get access to exclusive offers and more. I had never given the 407 authorization to use my bank account to pay anyone else's bill. As such, even if there was deemed to be an acknowledgment of debt, it wouldn't significantly alter your circumstances. Your 407 ETR transponder is valid on any toll highway in Ontario – including Highway 407, Highway 412, Highway 418 and 407 ETR. Interest, however, continues to be charged on unpaid amounts invoiced less than five. Use the Royal Bank app to make a payment from one of your other accounts. Billing Account. m. For your security, 407 ETR does not accept credit card payments verbally over the phone. You can sign up for paperless billing in a few clicks of a button using your 407 ETR Web Account. m. S. Forgot password? Log In. Total 22 active 407etr. Pay your bills and set up pre-authorized payment. That's why millions of drivers like you rely on Highway 407 ETR to get around the GTA. Business customers: Fill out the Application to Lease a Transponder Form and email to [email protected]. By telephone. Highway 407 ETR Fee Schedule** Transponder lease and other charges effective February 1, 2019 - For business use transponders, a Security Deposit of $50. Password: Show. Enjoy news and exclusive benefits. com and the 407 ETR mobile. com; Dealscove promise you'll get the best price on products you want. Web Chat & Contact Centre Hours. 00) payable at the commencement of the lease. In order to create a My Account, you must have an account number. FAQ; Highway map; Understanding tolls; Visit on407. Email: Remember email . To make the most of Black Friday Sale, pay attention to details such as shipping time, payment methods, and return policy. Trip Toll Charge. Credit Valley Conservation Foundation and 407 ETR Concession Company, the operator of Highway 407 ETR, confirmed the first corporate partnership in support of Credit Valley Conservation’s legacy Credit Valley Trail project. Forgot password? Log In. Web:!!The application must be accompanied by a certified cheque or money order in the amount of $30. Email: Remember email . Unrecognizable Plate Charge plus tolls applies each time a vehicle uses the highway without a valid. Leasing a transponder for $24. ca; After you drive. 00 per Trip. The third is a Small Claims court case 407 ETR has brought against Ira Day for approximately $13,000. For example, you can say that you received a bill from ETR for $14,000. m. You will receive a bill each month. to 4:30 p. Pay through our mobile app. Give us a call Monday to Friday. com. Transponder lease payments may be made on a monthly. Please visit our service provider’s website for. is owned by a consortiumIn 2016, 407 ETR introduced a discretionary interest suspension practice for delinquent account balances of qualifying customers. Other Sears Credit Card Payment Methods. Password: Show. The refund policy is as follows: 1. For further details on how to pay your bill, please contact 407 ETR by telephone at 1-888-407-0407 or visit the Highway 407 website at where the vehicle does not have a transponder and the recorded portion of trip is between 6 a. -. $1. Highway 407 ETR and the Province of Ontario’s Highway 407 (including Highway 412 and Highway 418) collect tolls, fees and, as applicable, interest (together, "407 Charges") from their customers subsequent to their use of the toll highways. m. I haven’t been on the 407 since this past summer. Check your balance; Make a payment;You may ship multiple transponders in one package if needed. For existing web account customers, follow these easy steps to switch to paperless bills: Sign in to your Web Account. It will be deactivated on receipt. 407 ETR provides Free Shop with Coupons: Get Save Up to 5% Off, When Place an order in July. m. com. Once signed in: Click on Account Settings on the left menu. Create My Account. 407 ETR copy JAN 2023 OSB#2 Accountnumber 2Otheraccountholdersto Application toreceiveOneSimpleBillHighway 407 ETR Fee Schedule** Transponder lease and other charges effective February 1, 2019 - For business use transponders, a Security Deposit of $50. 8:30 a. M. Message says I have to call back due to my account. Give us a call Monday to Friday. Check your balance; Make a payment;Email: To begin using your My Account you must first verify your email address. Nexpress® account holders pay discounted toll rates. 00, made payable to 407 ETR. The campaign runs from August 9 to August 20 on Twitter, and participants can join the conversation for. com. Locally known as the Big Mac and Mighty Mac, the bridge is part of I-75 and the Lakes. This My Account & Paperless Billing Agreement (this “Agreement”) is between you and 407 ETR Concession Company Limited (“407 ETR”) and governs your use of My Account and Paperless Billing Services. $3. 407 ETR is an all-electronic, open-access toll highway without booths or barriers. Log in or create a web account today. Email: Remember email . 95 plus tax each month) Set up Pre-authorized Payments You will have approximately 10 days to review your statement prior to your payment being debited. W, Woodbridge, ON L4H 1J1 Email: [email protected] Joined October 2010. Customers receive a single invoice for any trips taken on Highway 407 and 407 ETR. Our Call Centre will be closed today at 2:45 p. FAQ; Highway map; Understanding tolls; Visit on407. The arrangement allows 407ETR to enforce payment on a highway that has no means to refuse access to any drivers — even those who don’t pay to use it. The form may be returned by email or mail. Do out-of-province users also have to pay tolls? Yes, all customers using Highway 407 are responsible for tolls and charges incurred from driving on the highway. 300 Druid Road. Upon receipt of a notice of failure to pay, a customer may pay their bill and/or send a notice of dispute within 30 days listing one or more of the permitted grounds for dispute set out in the Act. So drivers who're dodging payments still have to pay-up, unless they declare bankruptcy. Licence Plate Denial Collection. For example, you can visit 407etr. There are no signs anywhere indicating the amount of the toll, only cameras to record your plate number. To ensure a seamless experience for users of both highways, 407 ETR, provides tolling and customer services on the province’s behalf for Highway 407. . I have never been on the 407. If you drive on the 407, you will have to pay the 407 bill. If you have any further issues, please reach out to us via. Online, you can search for '407 ETR' in your financial institution payee list. 50 CAD) toll. com Call: 905-264-4485 For more information: a web account at gives you easy, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to your account and many online services such as changing your address, ordering a transponder, reviewing your account and making a payment.